HQ Open Day

DGMHA Official HQ Opening

What a fantastic afternoon we all had at DGMHA HQ yesterday for our official opening. 

We welcomed so many friends old and new, along with our service teams and service users, it was great to see the office busy and everyone connecting.

At 2pm we gathered at the front entrance to officially cut the ribbon, Martin Donaldson Chair of the Board, gave a short speech thanking and welcoming everyone to the new HQ. 

A spread of tasty treats were enjoyed by all, a thanks goes to Angela at Wee Chippy Sanquhar for making the delicious cupcakes.

Staff reminisced at the photo wall of memories from the years at DGMHA, games were played and competitions were drawn. Our winners of the games were team members Ellie Lockerbie and Gail Newlands. And the winner of our luxury M&S hamper drawn at the end of the day is Joanna Young from the Usual Place. 

A huge thank to everyone who attended and helped make the day great. 

DGWGO were in attendance and covered the event on their facebook, website and newsletter:

DGMHA Unveils New Headquarters: Cairnsmore House Opens On Crichton Grounds

Dumfries and Galloway Mental Health Association opened their new Head Office on Wednesday 29th May in the Crichton Grounds.

Cairnsmore House was opened by Martin Donaldson the Chairman of the board for the Association accompanied by Marie Brown his Deputy Chair and Lisa Todd the CEO. Holding the ribbon was Claire Wilson the Quality and Operations Manager and Becky Walker the Executive Assistant.

The event was well attended by Staff Teams, Service Users, Partners and other guests who enjoyed an afternoon of coffee, tea, sweet treats, and networking.

Cairnsmore House will be the main hub for the Association and is the base for the CEO, Senior Management Team and the Dumfries Outreach Team. The hub also has hot desks for staff, a training room, and board room for meetings.

Lisa Todd, CEO, said “ We have been through a time where working from home become a more common way of working for some, I feel having a main base where people know they can go for support is really important to staff, having that main point of contact where they know they can go to ask questions, use facilities or even just see a friendly face and have a chat makes all the difference. It was fantastic to see all the staff, service users, partners and friends of DGMHA come along to the open day and see them enjoy having a look around.

Being situated on the Crichton Estate it seems like where we should be as a Mental Health provider, Elizabeth Crichton grew one of the most recognised mental health facilities here and with our focus being on growing our service to support people with mental health across the region, being based here feels right.”

DGMHA Unveils New Headquarters: Cairnsmore House Opens on Crichton Grounds - DGWGO