Information & History

Our Mission

“We will provide the best possible support, in the best way we are able, to adults with mental health conditions across Dumfries and Galloway, we will enable those we support to lead purposeful and fulfilling lives as part of their local communities whilst they are treated with dignity and respect, following a person-centred approach.”

We are committed to:

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Being a professional organisation

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Serving our region

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Promoting independence and the maximisation of abilities

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Valuing everyone

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Respecting confidentiality

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A non-discriminatory approach

History of the DGMHA

Dumfries and Galloway Mental Health Association is a registered charity, formed in 1988 by people living in Dumfries and Galloway with mental health conditions, their carers and families, with the purpose to enable people with mental health conditions to lead a purposeful and fulfilling life. This was a ground-breaking move at the time as nothing like this had previously existed in our region.

DGMHA began on Galloway Street in Dumfries, over 35 years ago. The Association has developed our services considerably to include housing support and care at home services in Dumfries, Castle Douglas and Stranraer, a care home for people with mental health issues in Dumfries, and a charity shop in, Castle Douglas.

We also own properties in which we can provide accommodation for people we support in their own tenancy, these include single tenancies and houses of multiple occupants.

Our staff team has expanded over the years, and we now employ approximately 100 paid staff, all of whom receive full induction training and are members of the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme, as well as being registered with the Scottish Social Services Council. All staff also receive training to enable them to provide person centred support/care and to meet all regulatory requirements.

The Management of the organisation is overseen by a Board of Directors who are voluntary, operationally the Senior Management Team are overseen by the CEO who has operational responsibility for the organisation and works strategically with the Board of Directors to plan for the future.

Dumfries and Galloway Mental Health Association works in partnership with Commissioning Agencies across health, housing, social work, and multi-disciplinary professionals from all regulatory or contractual agencies to ensure contractual agreements and regulatory requirements are fulfilled and reviewed in line with legislative and statutory requirements.

We are currently working through a transformational change programme within DGMHA which will see us develop and grow into a 21st Century organisation prepared for the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead.

In April 2024, DGMHA Head Office moved to Cairnsmore House, situated in the grounds of the Crichton Estate. We felt it was a fitting place to be situated where the Mental Health Journey for Dumfries and Galloway began in 1823 when Dr James Crichton left his wife the sum of around £100,000 to be used for charitable purpose. With the help of her friend Rev Henry Duncan, Elizabeth attempted to endow a college of university status in Dumfries for poor scholars however when this did not work out she set up the “Lunatic Asylum” on the edge of town. She opened the doors in 1839 with the appointment of Dr William Brown and over the next 150 years the Crichton grew into one of the most recognised mental health facilities.

Cairnsmore House will be a complete hub for the organisation, base to the CEO, Senior Managers and supporting staff. It also has a boardroom, training spaces and hot desks for all staff and will be a fantastic addition to the Association.

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