YPI Success for DGMHA

On 10th May DGMHA attended St Joseph's College Dumfries to watch the S3 pupils take part in the YPI (Youth Philanthropy Initiative) project finals. Eight teams of pupils bid for funding for their chosen charities in Dumfries and Galloway, all teams were fantastic and demonstrated the skills they have learned during the process very well.

The team that chose DGMHA as their charity consisted of Emily, Zainab, Alexandra, Sarah and Mya. We were impressed with the work that was put into their presentation and really enjoyed the creativity they used. The girls done extremely well and won the £3,000 funding for our charity.

The funding will be spent on the service users at DGMHA, to go on a trip of their choice this summer and the girls will also have the opportunity to volunteer at DGMHA this year to help organise an activity for our staff and service users.

DGMHA would like to say thank you to all involved in the YPI project and to Emily, Zainab, Alexandra, Sarah and Mya for choosing our charity.