DGMHA Receive Huge Donation from Castle MacLelland

On 22nd December, Graeme, Finance Manager, went to along Castle MacLelland, believing he was pitching for funding for DGMHA. However, he was surprised with a huge cheque of £60,000.

This money will be to spend on refurbishments in the Castle Douglas Charity shop, Castle Douglas HMO and to place mindfulness benches across the region.

Castle MacLelland also donated £75,000 to Galloway Mountain Rescue Team, another well deserved cause.

Every year Castle MacLelland donates it's profits to good causes regionally and around the world via their owner the Kavli Trust, offering employees the chance to nominate charitable organisations in the region which they have close affinity to.

DGMHA would like to send a big thank you to everyone at Castle MacLelland and the Kavli Trust for the generous donation.

Thank you!